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Monday, July 10, 2006

Specialised Dog Training Tips

Specialized Dog Training Tips
Dogs are just as smart as humans and so training your dog does not have to be too complicated or difficult if you approach it with a good plan.

The main purpose in dog training is to build a communication system between the two of you. You are teaching your dog how to learn. In contrast to the positive approach of dog training, many obedience classes use a lot of leash jerking and a certain amount of punishment if the dog is not performing well. There is a fine line between the two attitudes and it is a vitally important difference.
The following article will briefly discuss some dog training tips to practice at home with your best friend.

Be Careful with the Details
The timing of rectifications and congratulations needs to be the same every time you are dog training. You must be flawless as this training allows very little room for error. If you do not teach the dog what to do right or praise the dog while the action is occurring, it will be very difficult to train your dog.

With a young puppy, if you are forcing him to perform perfectly and punishing him even mildly if he does not, you may be asking for trouble later on. After a puppy is six to eight months old, he can usually begin to handle corrections and accept much more firmness in his training but not at three, four and five months of age.

You need to be consistent. If you never want your dog on the bed, then he must never be allowed on the bed, no matter what the situation. Dog training is sensitive to different situations and yet the dog will behave in similar ways if they are properly trained to exhibit similar behavioral patterns.

Dogs do not understand why you would teeter in your approach. Be regular with your attitude. If you do not want your dog to go on the sofa after the rain, then he should not ever be allowed on that sofa. In dog or puppy training, you learn that dogs do not understand the concept of occasionally or perhaps. They only understand constant permission or by no means being allowed to do something.

Congratulations Are In Order
In dog training, we often center on improvements in our dog, but do not congratulate the dog’s good behaviors as much as we should. If your dog is sitting where you want him to be sitting and minding his own business, tell him he is a good dog.
Try not to get too mad when he does something bad. We believe that you should reinforce positive actions and let bad ones go sometimes.

Entertain Your Dog
If you are all work and no play, dog training will get tedious for both you and your dog. Take breaks in your dog training and play fetch for fun. Training your dog is about the bond with your dog, not boot camp. Playing games and messing around will help you both unwind and prepare for the next training lesson.

Try to avoid stress when training your dog.
Stress should never be a specific part of dog training. That comes later when the pup is six to eight months old and ready for a more formal training. Of course, it is not possible or necessary to completely avoid stress because there is often a small amount in any of a dog's activities. However, stress should be eliminated as a planned part of the actual training.

When training your dog, let the pet know exactly what you want from him. Once he starts to communicate with you, you will find it easier to reward good actions and behaviors.
Specialised Dog Training Tips


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