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Monday, December 18, 2006

Clicker Dog Training

Whatever your pup's pedigree and whatever your goals for him, any puppy is still an emotionally immature animal. At the same time, no two pups are exactly alike and what works for one puppy is not necessarily best for another.

You must constantly be aware of your pup's personality and of how you can get him to pay attention to you. However, there are some general characteristics of puppy training that are important to working with all puppies. These are basic principles which should be adapted by you as the basis of working with your puppy.

After an extensive study on animal behavior and dog training, the world’s renowned animal behaviorists and scientists have developed a typical training procedure.

Clicker dog training is basically a new version of the training procedure that makes training a more enjoyable. Since the first step in training a dog is to communicate with him or her, it is very clear that, the stronger the mode of communication is, more effective the training will be.

Clicker dog training is a highly precise technique and a tremendously effective mode of communicating with the dogs irrespective of the age, gender and breed. The Clicker is considered as the strongest bridge between the man and the dog and the technique is so scientific and so enjoyable that may be tested with a puppy, even one as little as only 2 months old.

Clicker dog training encourages a sound flow of communication between the teacher and the student which in turn encourages an easier training session. The Clicker trainer has to study every single expression of the dog and his feelings to know what exactly the dog needs to learn. It is an awesome tool for not only the dog professionals and the dog trainers but it should be a mandatory subject for all the dog owners to learn.

To read the complete article on clicker dog training along with other articles on all aspects of basics dog training take a look at:
Basics Dog Training

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Basics Dog Training - Tips on how NOT to train your dog

The re-call is one of the easiest commands to teach but one of the quickest to trash. Many owners ruin their dog's desire to come when called by doing one or all of the following:
* Calling the dog when they're angry.
* Calling the dog when they're about to do something he doesn't like (for example, nail clipping and bathing).
* Calling the dog to put on his leash at the dog park.
* Calling the dog to be put in confinement.
* Waiting to praise the dog until he gets to them.
* Not rewarding the dog sufficiently.
* Calling their off-leash dog to come before he is trained.

During basics dog training call your dog a number of times during off-leash play sessions. When he comes back to you, let him know how pleased you are and give him his favourite treat and then tell him to go back and play again.
By doing this very regularily you are accomplishing two important things here:checking to make sure your dog complies and teaching your dog that coming to you does not mean the end of play, but an opportunity for him to receive yourlove and attention and his reward.
Remember the more fun it is for your dog the quicker he will learn new commands.
More about Basics Dog Training.

The Danger Of A Jealous Dog

Another tip from Basics Dog Training when dealing with dog jealousy.

In the case of jealousy the mind of a dog works in almost an identical way to that of a human being. It wants the full attention and love of its owner, Whether the jealousy occurs only when another dog enters the home or when the beloved owner talks to dog outside, or whether the jealousy is aimed at another person in the home. The same driving force is at the root of the evil in all of these cases: the intention of the dog to reign alone and supreme in his household.

The guarding instinct so prevalent in some breeds has its roots in the same sort of thing; a desire to let no one enter the precincts of his master or mistress. Jealousy nearly always takes the form of a show of viciousness toward the dog or person the animal is jealous of.

Quite often it is a mild form of jealousy and only involves its bone, toy or the piece of rug that it is fond of. It jealously guards them and woe betide anyone trying to take that object away.
This jealousy is particularly pronounced when puppies are reared and kept in the household. As the puppy reaches the age of about three months the mother will begin to feel jealous as her maternal instinct fades and the time draws near for another heat.

During basics dog training you must always attempt to treat both dogs equally and always to talk to both at the same time, feeding both at the same time and exercising both together,in order to stop the jealousy otherwise it will continues to grow.
Correction works at first and then bit by bit grows less effective. In the dog's mind a usurper has entered the scene, and, as in the wild state, it is trying to turn the young out of the nest.
As she fails to get rid of the now grown up pup, her temper gets worse and worse in the effort to dislodge the now adult and unwanted member of the household.

She becomes more and more thwarted as her owner attempts to make the newcomer as welcome as the old established member. Often she will turn on her owner when he is trying to make peace, as if she were trying to impress an ignorant person that it was time the youngster went out into the world to fend for itself.

If you are a really good handler your basics dog training methods will be good enough to make both dogs obey the command "Leave" when they are in your presence.
The danger lies in the times you leave the dogs together on their own, for the slightest boldness on the part of the youngster in approaching the older one's basket or toy, etc., will infuriate the older dog, and she will set on the youngster tooth and nail.
Basics Dog Training

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Basic Dog Training Can Save Your Life

All dogs must have some form of basics dog training to equip them to be able to live with their owners and along side other dogs socially. Their are numerous opportunities now to be able to access basics dog training, whether it be via the net or local basic obedience training classes.

Initially you only need to train your dog with a limited basic commands. A trained dog is a happy dog with in turn means a happy family all round.The basic dog training not only involves teaching to obey some basic commands such as come, sit, and stay but to housebreak a puppy is the most significant part of the training. Housebreaking a puppy means to train the puppy to have a good excretory habits, which are must for the indoor dogs to learn.

However, teaching a dog to act as per the command “come” is the easiest of all. Call the puppy by its name showing some toy or some treat in the hand and as soon as the puppy arrives, praise him lavishly and reward him with some treats. Repeat the exercise for several times and within a very short spell of time the puppy will learn to come instantly upon being called. This exercise should be the starting point because this not only teaches the puppy to come on command but also becomes familiar with his name at the same time.

Advanced Basic Dog Training

After the successful accomplishment of the “housebreaking” and “recall” sessions the puppy should be put to some of the advanced sessions of the basic dog training course such “sit and down” and then “socializing”. Teaching the puppy to sit on command is also very easy. The best way is to hold a biscuit in the hand, take it near its nose so that the puppy can feel the smell and then gradually take it straight back towards its tail, simultaneously utter in a cool voice the word “sit”. This should make the puppy sit as it will try to maintain a steady eye contact to the biscuit. As soon as the puppy sits down the trainer should praise him as much as he can and reward the lovely little pooch with a piece of biscuit. Repeating the exercise several times will teach the puppy to sit on command.

The trainer must give occasional play breaks and should not expect much from the little one. If the puppy finds the exercise enjoyable, the training becomes quicker and easier.

Puppy’s Social Life
The basic dog training course also includes socializing the puppy, which is important, because unless the puppy is being socialized properly to the external world he or she may develop certain behavioral problem in future, which may be a nightmare for the owner. Socializing must be done with other dogs, the general mob and also the running cars and blowing horns. The dog cannot be socialized within the zone where he stays and plays regularly.
There are articles which give you more information on a number topics involving at basics dog training

Attack Dog Training

Dogs have been kept as pets since time began. People choose to keep dogs for various purposes. The majority of them are kept as companions, some also serve their leader as guide dogs and others act as guard dogs. Then the are the professional owned dogs who are highly trained as sniffer dogs to help root out drug trafficking or attack dogs as used by the police forces .

All in all we humans just love having dogs as part of our lives. No matter who owns a dog it is our responsibility to make sure the dog has at least basic dog training. To have a dog as an attack dog the importance of dog draining is raised to the highest level.

The Importance of Dog Training
The training of a dog to obey your orders or commands is a very important aspect of the relationship between man and animal. Some people think that when you say training, it means all types of sophisticated and complex commands. Actually it is not so. Having the dog relieve itself outside the house or in the litter box is training, having the dog come when you call it also falls under training, as does the dog recognizing orders such as ‘sit’, ‘catch’ and so on. In other words, each and every aspect that makes the dog behave the way you want it, falls under the purview of training.

The simple commands that you teach your dog on how to behave around the house is basic training. There are however, specific types of training which will make the dog perform certain tasks that you need from it. This includes, training for sniffing out bombs, narcotics, saving injured people, tracking by smell, attacking on command, or when owner is attacked, and so on.

Specialized Training Methods

There are times when attack dog training is specifically needed for guard dogs. There are many reasons why attack dog training is given to dogs:

1. to protect people against harm such as during an assault, or theft
2. to protect cattle or ship from predators
3. to prevent gun shots (police dogs)
4. to attack other dogs for organized dog fights
5. to hunt other animals

Attack dog training is a specialized training and it requires a professional. Utmost care should be taken when imparting such type of training so the dog does go out of control. Just as important it is for the dog to recognize and obey the attack order, so it is to recognize and obey the stop attack order. The dog attack training should be done properly otherwise you risk injury to yourself and others.
Basics Dog Training

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Elimiating Biting Behaviours

Eliminating Biting Behaviours

Choosing a new puppy and bringing it home for the first time is a wonderful experience for you but could be quite a daunting one for your puppy. He may feel strange and unsure of himself at first. This is quite normal. Make it a game to him with lots of praise as you introduce your new puppy to your family. Praise is the most important tool you can use when training your puppy. Puppies generally get very excited and it's natural instincts tell it to nip its leader as a show of affection and respect.

Preventing biting and mouthing
Biting and mouthing is a common activity for many young puppies and dogs. Puppies naturally bite and mouth each other when playing with siblings, and they extend this behavior to their human companions. While other puppies have thick skin, however, humans do not, so it is important to teach your puppy what is appropriate, and what is not, when it comes to using those sharp teeth........ to read the rest of this article

A message from John Mailer
I hope you found the information you were looking for. I know how frustrating it is to have a problem with your dog. Remember your dog naturally seeks your attention and may be confused by YOUR reactions.Check out my numerous other articles on the basics dog training I am sure you will find the answer you are loooking for. If not please feel free to email me
all articles may be reproduced provided they are not altered in any way and include the John Mailer's message and url.

The Pros and Cons of Attack Dog Training

The Pros and Cons of Attack Dog Training
by John Mailer

Dogs have been kept as pets since time began. People choose to keep dogs for various purposes. The majority of them are kept as companions, some also serve their leader as guide dogs and others act as guard dogs. Then the are the professional owned dogs who are highly trained as sniffer dogs to help root out drug trafficking or attack dogs as used by the police forces .

All in all we humans just love having dogs as part of our lives. No matter who owns a dog it is our responsibility to make sure the dog has at least basic dog training. To have a dog as an attack dog, the importance of dog draining is raised to the highest level.

The Importance of Dog Training
The training of a dog to obey your orders or commands is a very important aspect of the relationship between man and animal. Some people think that when you say training, it means all types of sophisticated and complex commands. Actually it is not so. Having the dog relieve itself outside the house or in the litter box is training, having the dog come when you call it also falls under training, as does the dog recognizing orders such as ‘sit’, ‘catch’ and so on. In other words, each and every aspect that makes the dog behave the way you want it, falls under the purview of training.

The simple commands that you teach your dog on how to behave around the house is basic training. There are however, specific types of training which will make the dog perform certain tasks that you need from it. This includes, training for sniffing out bombs, narcotics, saving injured people, tracking by smell, attacking on command, or when owner is attacked, and so on.

Specialized Training MethodsThere are times when attack dog training is specifically needed for guard dogs. There are many reasons why attack dog training is given to dogs:
1. to protect people against harm such as during an assault, or theft
2. to protect cattle or ship from predators
3. to prevent gun shots (police dogs)
4. to attack other dogs for organized dog fights
5. to hunt other animals
Attack dog training is a specialized training and it requires a professional.

Utmost care should be taken when imparting such type of training so the dog does go out of control. Just as important it is for the dog to recognize and obey the attack order, so it is to recognize and obey the stop attack order. The dog attack training should be done properly otherwise you risk injury to yourself and others.A message from John MailerI hope you found the information you were looking for. I know how frustrating it is to have a problem with your dog.

Message from John Mailer
Remember your dog naturally seeks your attention and may be confused by YOUR reactions.Check out my numerous other articles on basics dog training. I am sure you will find the answer you are loooking for. If not please feel free to email me at http//